From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

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Valuable components of off-site meetings

Valuable components of off-site meetings

From the course: Lessons in Enlightened Leadership

Valuable components of off-site meetings

- When we are together for an off-site, I really try to think about three components of the off-site. We conduct business because, obviously, we have to. So we get into very specific topics around how, and prioritization, and how we're running the business, resource allocation, et cetera. I dedicate time to community service, within that local market, because I think it's a core tenet of who we are as people and as leaders. And one of the core mantras at Facebook is to give more than you take, and so when we go into a city, I want to know that we've actually given more than we've taken. And then the last component is a component around getting to know each other better. And we use all different strategies for this. We've had off-sites where we've each brought our favorite book, and we've talked about why it's our favorite book. We've had off-sites where we've brought our favorite quote, and talked about why it's an impactful quote. We also always open our off-sites with things like…
