From the course: Build Sustainable Wealth and Get Out of Debt

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Using your 10-20-70 worksheet

Using your 10-20-70 worksheet

- Let's take a look at the 10-20-70 worksheet. In this worksheet, we're going to look at your cashflow to see how quickly the debts can be paid down. And your goal here is to protect yourself and your family, save money and eliminate debt all at the same time. Now, depending on how much debt you have, this might not all be feasible right at first, but you should get there as soon as possible. You also want to make sure that you have a clear path forward because you never want to be forced to add new debt while you're paying off old debt. That would be a bummer. You want to be sure that your cashflow works out long term. Now here's the 10-20-70 worksheet. The first thing you're going to do is to put in your income right here in this area. You also want to enter how often you receive that income. Is it monthly income, annual income, or however it comes in. Next, you'll put in your expenses. Enter the amount and put a little…
