From the course: Ergonomics 101

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Using laptops at work

Using laptops at work

- A lot of people use laptops, and what I find in the corporate world is that the organization will purchase one computer for their employee. So if you're one of these people where you're on the road some of the time, and you're in the office some of the time, you may find that your laptop computer is your primary computer. The unfortunate situation with a laptop computer is that you cannot get yourself into a neutral or ergonomic position. If you get yourself comfortable, get your arms comfortable, then what ends up happening is that you're looking down at the screen. If you decide to raise the screen up, then your arms are going to be in an awkward position. So the best thing to do when you're working with a laptop computer is to get an external keyboard and mouse and raise the laptop up. Now I'm going to grab my riser over here, and, you place the laptop up on the riser, so that the monitor is at eye level, similar to what we were talking about earlier with the monitor positioning.…
