From the course: How to Crush Self-Doubt and Build Self-Confidence

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Use physical cues to refocus

Use physical cues to refocus

- The next thing to do is to really control that negative tape that plays in your head. You know that tape. I wish I was this. I hate myself in this look. Oh, I can't do this job. As a sports psychologist and a performance enhancement consultant, I work with a lot of athletes. I've been lucky enough to work with Olympians and NBA athletes and the national team of basketball for Canada. And we do a lot of what we call centering or thought stopping. Next time you're watching a professional athletes, watch the different physical cues that they'll use: pointing, clapping, finger snapping. Whenever they make a mistake, they don't dwell on the mistake. The phrase we use is live in the moment or be in the presence, right? And what that is about is about being in the moment, meaning forget about the mistake. Stop that negative talk, whatever that negative doubt is. Use a physical cue to bring you to the present and replace it…
