From the course: Career Advice from Some of the Biggest Names in Business

Tyler Perry on setting your intention

- What kind of career advice do you give to people? You must have people constantly coming to you saying, "Hey, I want to be Tyler Perry. "I'm going to be you one day." What do you say to people? - I say you don't want to be me. I want to see you be the best you you can be because I pretty much got this skin locked in. I've run this race. By the time I die and get to the end of this thing, whatever day that's going to be, I will have exhausted every bit of what being Tyler Perry means. My hope is that anybody that comes to me, these young kids come up to me and say, "I'm the next you," or "I'm the next," I want them to, first of all, take on what all of that means and then make it work for them. Yeah, let me be the example to be the base at wherever you start. - And what about just career advice in general? People they come, they start at your company, they want to move up. Maybe they don't want to be Tyler Perry, but they want to do better than they are right now. What do you say to them? - My whole thing about it is this is why? Why do you want to do it? - Really? - Yeah, why do you want to do it? Why do you want to be the next Tyler? Why? What's you're intention? 'Cause I set out my intention. My intention was never to make money. I wanted to just make just enough to take care of my mother who was ill. My intention when I wrote my first show, it was about a daughter survives child abuse, I really wanted to help somebody learn what I had learned about forgiveness and healing. That was the intention. So I asked people what is your intention. If your intention is to be famous and be seen, well, listen, you can have that, go right ahead 'cause that, for me, is the worst part of all of this. But if your intention is to help someone or to motivate or to lift or to encourage, all the other trappings will come along with it, but what is your intention? So set the intention.
