From the course: Turning Your Communication Talents into a Career

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- Trust is so important, everyone needs to feel trust in interactions in a business environment so that they can feel at ease to give ideas, to come up with new concepts, to be themselves without fear that somebody will knock down their idea or belittle them. So, that really is what creates a very positive, optimistic environment is to give people a feeling of trust. To trust that if they make a mistake, they can come in they can own up to it and we can move on being very solutions-oriented. Respect. Respect is the second very important value and it goes with trust. It's respecting that someone else is smart that they have good ideas and when people feel that they are respected they grow into that role and tend to feel more generous and they want to feel that they can give that respect back. And that creates a very collaborative win-win environment. Energy. Energy, I think energy is my favorite one. I do so…
