From the course: Working and Collaborating Online

Track and manage changes

From the course: Working and Collaborating Online

Track and manage changes

- [Instructor] Microsoft Word's ability to track changes allows you to freely make edits to a document and your collaborators will be able to see exactly what changes you made. Start by going to the Review tab and here click Track Changes. With that enabled, Word will track any changes you or anyone else makes to the document. So for example, I might highlight some text here and make that bold. I see a misspelling down here, which I'll fix, changing that A to an O. And maybe down here I will create a new paragraph. To review changes made to the document, you can come back to the Review tab and notice here we have this menu that's currently set to Simple Markup. We have several options here. The Simple Markup option indicates where changes have been made with a red line in the margin. So you might've noticed that as I made my changes, these red lines appeared. All Markup shows the edits with a blue highlight, and you can actually see the changes here in the document. Now, in this first case at the top, you can see that the change is that the font was changed to bold. Down here you can see that the A was deleted and the O was typed in its place. And here we can see another line indicating a paragraph break. There's also the option here of No Markup, which hides all the markups and shows you what the changes will look like in the document. And Original shows the document in its original form without the changes, which can be useful for comparing the original with the edited version. Additionally, when you're viewing an option that displays the markups, you can use the Show Markup menu here to specify which types of revisions you want to see. So for example, if you only wanted to see formatting changes, you could uncheck everything but that option. And now you can see, I'm only seeing the change here, where I changed this text to bold, but if I want to see the other changes I can add Insert and Deletions back, and if I have comments, I can see those as well. So, that's how to track changes to documents in Word.
