From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

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Tool 3: Revealing character through dialogue

Tool 3: Revealing character through dialogue

From the course: Crafting Dynamic Characters

Tool 3: Revealing character through dialogue

- Another great way to get your character across to the reader is through dialogue. But a character says, especially in response to what other characters say, can tell us a lot about who they are. And dialogue is not just useful for revealing your main POV character, it's also great for revealing the inner life of any character. With your POV character, we're able to layer dialogue with our other tools like thought and reaction to give us more depth. But for other characters, we're not able to get inside their heads with a POV. So dialogue and sometimes physical reaction is often one of the few ways we can really get a sense of what they have going on inside of them. So Mastering the art of dialogue as a tool for revealing character is key, because it can benefit everyone on your character roster. There are three types of dialogue that we're going to discuss in this lecture: straightforward dialogue, subtext dialogue,…
