From the course: Virtual Investing in Real Estate

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Things to keep in mind when virtually investing

Things to keep in mind when virtually investing

From the course: Virtual Investing in Real Estate

Things to keep in mind when virtually investing

- [Instructor] So a few final takeaways: never base decisions on people's opinions, period. I said that earlier, and I'm going to say it again. I need photo evidence, at a minimum. I need photo evidence. Do inspections; look at comps; look at data, right? If you're not savvy on the computer, take a computer class. I don't know, get someone to help you utilize the computer effectively, all right? But embrace the technology because that's going to allow you to be a better investor. And then always have checks and balances in place. So what I used to do, the realtor would check the inspector and vice versa. Like that one property that the realtor went to the wrong address and took the wrong pictures, I would have never known had I not seen the inspection with all the pictures the inspector took. Then the designer would check the contractor. The realtor would also check the contractor. So have certain checks and balances in…
