From the course: Mastering Conversations in Retail Sales

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Tell them when you’re not the best solution

Tell them when you’re not the best solution

From the course: Mastering Conversations in Retail Sales

Tell them when you’re not the best solution

- One of the quickest ways to earn credibility and trust with a customer is to tell them when your product or service is not the best solution for them. Now, that may sound counterintuitive when you're trying to sell something. But the reason is, is that if you're honest enough to tell them when you're not the best solution, they're more likely to believe you when you tell them you are the best solution. Now if you've ever seen the classic movie Miracle on 34th Street, you've seen the most famous example of that. You know, the guy Macy's department store hires to play Santa starts sending parents to a competitor's store if their kid asked for something that he thinks is better or cheaper there. Now at first, the Macy's manager gets mad at him, but the parents are so impressed with his honesty that they start shopping at Macy's all the time. And why wouldn't they? They can buy everything they need at Macy's, and if there's ever a better offer somewhere else, the Macy's Santa will tell…
