From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Take time off

Take time off

- When you're a consultant and you don't have vacation days listed on a pay stub, it's easy to forget to take time off. When it's your business you're running, it may feel like you can never take time off. It's up to you to build that into your schedule. When a project ends, take a few days to catch your breath. Set aside time on your calender at the beginning of the year and schedule projects around that time off. One of the biggest risks entrepreneurs face is burning themselves out. I've run my business for 14 years. I've burned out really hard twice. I've had two heart attacks. That's not a sustainable model. Now I've gotten a lot better at building that time off into my schedule. I'm taking better care of myself. Time off can be something like a full vacation or it might just be a nap on a Tuesday afternoon. The important thing is that you plan for it and put it on your calendar. Put that time on the calendar far in advance. Protect it no matter what. Plan your work around those…
