From the course: How to Manage Your Manager

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Take responsibility to adapt and develop

Take responsibility to adapt and develop

From the course: How to Manage Your Manager

Take responsibility to adapt and develop

- [Man] Okay, and do you have a final challenge or call to action you can issue to folks seeking to be awesome at their jobs? - [Woman] I do. It's kind of a twofold. One is adapt. It's really important to be awesome at your job to always be willing to adapt, to be able to accept change, to be able to look around, be strategic, and adapt to what is. As we know from biology that, and evolution that people who adapt, people who can be flexible are the people that are going to be around for the long haul. And the second one which I feel very strongly about is take responsibility, and I mean this in two ways. I think people need to take responsibility for gaining the skills that they need to be awesome at their job. They need to take responsibility that they're always developing their career and their skills and responsibility for driving their career. And we all need to take responsibility for our impact in the…
