From the course: Stepping Up: How Taking Responsibility Changes Everything (getAbstract Summary)

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Steps 5–8: Lead by example

Steps 5–8: Lead by example

- [Female Instructor] Fifth, lead in ways that exceed your job description. Taking on a leadership role is a personal commitment to other people for the good of everyone concerned. Consider two high school seniors who encouraged hundreds of other kids to wear pink shirts to support a ninth-grader who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on his first day of class. Influence a negative conversation by making positive comments. Start stepping up by stating how you intend to spark change and by doing more than others expect from you. - [Male Instructor] Sixth, step up by speaking up. Sometimes this requires the courage to leave your comfort zone, for example, when voicing an unpopular opinion. You can accomplish great things when you speak up to right a wrong, shine a light on a discomforting practice, or help someone see what they cannot see themselves. More often than you might expect, expressing yourself and offering…
