From the course: Stepping Up: How Taking Responsibility Changes Everything (getAbstract Summary)

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Steps 1–4: Take action

Steps 1–4: Take action

- [Man] Armed with the fundamental concepts of stepping up, draw from the following eight strategies to move toward conscious, positive action. - [Woman] First, to make an impact on your life, you must be naive enough to believe you can. Belief forms the basis of action and action leads to results. Clorox CEO Don Knauss empowers himself by adopting a sense of prevailing optimism, that is believing he will succeed if he makes an effort. Start stepping up today by focusing on what you can do. - [Man] Second, take 100% responsibility and have the courage, faith and determination to succeed. Consider whether your life might improve if you never give in to making excuses. Start stepping up by looking in the mirror and asking what you can do. Accept a challenge despite its constraints, have the tenacity to persevere through inevitable setbacks and possible failure. - [Woman] Third, if you want things to change, start now. It…
