From the course: Just Ask: Dorie Clark on Personal Effectiveness

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Staying motivated amid high-pressure deadlines

Staying motivated amid high-pressure deadlines

From the course: Just Ask: Dorie Clark on Personal Effectiveness

Staying motivated amid high-pressure deadlines

- [Stacy] Hey Dorie, it's Stacy and I'm a learning and development specialist in Toronto and my question to you is how do you stay motivated and excited about the work that you're doing when the pressure and the deadlines from your organization can feel very strong? - [Dorie] Stacy, you are so right. When you're under tight deadlines and the pressure is high, it's really hard to enjoy anything. Even tasks or projects that would have been fun and exciting and interesting under other circumstances, if the guillotine is poised above your head and you know that you have to turn it around imminently, it can actually feel like drudgery or worse. You know, just some horrible task that you have to do. And it's hard to break out of that mentality. And in fact, what I do, because certainly, I'm in a position where there are a fair number of deadlines that we have to face on a regular basis, is that I actually, this is kind of a…
