From the course: Leading with Kindness and Strength

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Sorry, not sorry

Sorry, not sorry

(tranquil music) - Notice that in my four easy steps to say no, I didn't start out by saying, I'm sorry. I started by saying thank you, which is so much more powerful. Women tend to apologize more than men do. I know that I found myself in this position. Actually, when I was at Time Inc., a colleague of mine called me out on it, and she said to me one day, "Fran, do you realize that you apologize all the time?" I didn't believe her, so I actually went into my inbox and typed the word sorry into the search field, and I was shocked when hundreds, if not thousands, of emails surfaced. When I started reading through those emails, I was actually horrified by the trivial things that I was finding myself apologizing for. If it took me more than four hours to get back to someone, "I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you." So I actually really made it a priority to stop saying I'm sorry. And the way that I went about doing that was I actually downloaded a Gmail plugin called Just…
