From the course: Succeeding in a New Role By Managing Up

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Simon Sinek on starting with why

Simon Sinek on starting with why

(engaging music) - How can you tell if you're happy at work? It's the same way as telling if you're happy in any human relationship. We have relationships with our organizations, with our jobs, as we have relationships with any tribe. If you remember of a club where you have unbelievable love and loyalty for the people in that club, that church, then you go do it more and you give lots of energy to it. Well, it's the same thing. Do you wake up excited to get dressed and go to work? Do you dread Mondays? Do you like the people with whom you work? Do you love the people with whom you work? If your job feeds you, makes you feel like you can be yourself, how many people can say that my job helps me be myself? Well, if you do, if you can say that, you work for an amazing organization. Waking up every day to work hard for something we don't particularly love, well, that's called stress. We're waking up every day to work hard for something we love, well, that's called passion. You can't…
