From the course: How to Train Your Brain For Happiness

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Sense of psychological safety

Sense of psychological safety

- A few years ago, friends of mine at Google did a study to find what is the one key factor that allows for team success. After years of investigation, they thought, "Well, is it that the ratio of maybe, you know, workers, maybe male, female." They spent all this time investigating what are the various factors? What is the one key factor that leads to team success? And after years of study, they found that the one key factor for team success is psychological safety. What does that term mean, psychological safety? Well, it goes back to what we said earlier about the primal brains need for safety, security and stability. Psychological safety is the deep understanding that you as an individual feel safe in a group environment. Not just your physical safety or your biological safety, we're talking also about your ability to feel safe, to express your thoughts and ideas regarding a project, or knowing that you will feel…
