From the course: Following Up after a Sales Meeting

"Send me some more information"

From the course: Following Up after a Sales Meeting

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"Send me some more information"

- How many times does this happen to you? You call your prospects to follow up with them after a sales meeting, and after a few words, they try to get rid of you by saying, can you just send me more information by email? You might say to yourself, sounds like a reasonable ask. At least he didn't say no. Only that's exactly what the prospect did. He said no to you, but without saying no. Send me more information is one of the most deadly objections you can come across during the follow-up process. Your prospect gets rid of you without being rude and leaves you with a false sense of hope. If you hear this objection and you don't overcome it in the moment, and instead hang your hopes on crafting a great follow-up email, I've got bad news. You're wasting your valuable time. So instead, you're going to use what I call, sales judo. In judo, you let your opponent get their momentum going in a certain direction and then you use that momentum to your benefit. The same applies in this situation. So when you get this objection, the first step is to disarm your prospect. When they ask you if you can just send them the information, say yes, don't argue with them. This helps you lower their guard, because they feel like they just save themselves from a pesky sales call. But now, here's where the sales judo comes in. With what I call the setup. Ask your prospect a question about what kind of information they'd be most interested in. Can you tell me if you're more interested in X or Y or Z? When they answer this question, they've given you information that you can use to craft a great challenging statement. And this is called the trip. Using the information, you'll make a declaration. And try to either hit a nerve around one of your prospect's pain points, or describe something that they really want. This is how I would do it in my company, Badger Maps. Let's just say I'm following up with a VP of Sales. And I learned that the thing he wanted more information on was how Badger will help his sales team be more efficient when they're on the road. I would say, sure, I can send you more information on how we help sales reps with routing. So your sales team must be wasting a lot of time behind the wheel if they're not using a routing tool to organize their days. I guess they would get a lot more meetings with qualified customers if they had a solution to build optimized routes. You can take a three second pause here for your prospect to verbally, or even silently agree with your statement. Once they have, they have been trapped. Your statement has challenged them into action, and engages them into looking at you and your product more deeply. Now you can redirect the prospect to your solution and restart the conversation. This way you have passed the brush aside to having a meaningful conversation about how your solution can drive their business results.
