From the course: Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (Blinkist Summary)

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- [Woman] Blink five of nine. - [Man] Okay, so self-criticism can be harmful, but what's the alternative? To answer this question, let's go back to the friend you imagined slipping on the icy street. In real life, how would you actually respond to her falling to the ground? Chances are, you'd rush to her side and say, "Are you okay?" You'd comfort her. And then you'd help her get back to her feet. In other words, you'd show your friend compassion. And if you started responding in this way to your own misfortune, mistakes, and suffering, you'd be engaging in self-compassion. - [Woman] The key method here is self-compassion provides us with a kinder, healthier, and more helpful alternative to self-criticism. - [Man] By thinking about how we would show compassion to a loved one in distress, we can develop a useful model of how to show compassion to ourselves. So let's rewind and break this down a little further. In a…
