From the course: Empathy Tips for HR Professionals

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Reward employees with empathy

Reward employees with empathy

- You just walked past your colleague Tammy. Just two weeks ago, she was energized, very involved in a project. Now you can feel her lack of energy. She seems down. Why? After gently questioning her teammates, you find out she worked really hard on a recent project, which went very well. The team got great praise and went for a celebratory drink after work. However, Tammy had family obligations, missed the occasion, and doesn't feel the effort she put in to the project was recognized or valued. You may understand well how she feels. Perhaps a similar thing happened to you earlier when you felt your work wasn't acknowledged. You remember how disheartened you felt starting the next project. What's the point of putting so much effort in? Others get the credit and no one notices your work. It wasn't going to help your career and future. Observe benefits of recognition in your and other's reactions. You can see and…
