From the course: Evaluating College as an Investment

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Requesting an interview

Requesting an interview

- So let's take for example the engineering field. You've decided you're interested in engineering. So first what we're going to do is we're going to make a list of all the people you know that are engineers. Really do this, make a list of every engineer you know. And then what we're going to do is ask your family and your friends for names of engineers they know, and add those to the list. And then we're going to contact those people and say, hey, I'm really interested in the engineering field. And I would love to ask you about your job. Can I buy you coffee Tuesday or Thursday morning? Now I know that sounds daunting like, oh my gosh, these people are so busy. How are they going to have time to sit with me and talk about my field of interest? Well, the thing that's going to really surprise you is successful people actually want to help other people. It's always amazing to me how available successful people make themselves to…
