From the course: Get Unstuck: Make a Plan to Move Your Career Forward

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Remind yourself of your value

Remind yourself of your value

- When we think about getting unstuck from a career rut, a lot of us assume that it means it's time to launch a job search, but before you do, keep in mind that your employer is probably willing to negotiate to keep from losing you. It's a two-way street after all. Your employer's paying you, but you're also bringing your most precious resource to the table, your time, not to mention your talents and expertise and skills too. A recent report found that replacing an employee costs organizations 33% of that employee's annual salary. That's an expensive proposition that a lot of companies would like to avoid. So when thinking about advocating for what you want out of your everyday work life, you want to ground yourself not only in a strong sense of self-worth, but also in understanding your market-worth. How much are your skills, talents and areas of expertise worth to your employer? When preparing to advocate for the changes you…
