From the course: Getting PR Placements

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Relationships in the media

Relationships in the media

- The first thing is we talk a lot about relationships in the media. What kinds of relationships are we building? Well, good ones of course. The media has a lot of content to fill. So our benefit here say I'm an expert is that I have a ton of media outlets that I can pitch and a ton of reporters and journalists and editors that might like my stuff. You're actually really lucky that we are doing this in this time right now, because there's an over saturation of outlets out there in the media. And that over saturation actually benefits someone like you and me. You being the expert and me being the publicist. So it's my job to create stories the media are going to like that fits into their target audience. Which we will then put out and promote. This is the form of a story, a feature, a byline, a quote, whatever it is in order to promote you yourself. You have to remember that the media, they don't really care about you.…
