From the course: Career Path Counselor: Making It in Media and Entertainment

Relationships drive show success

- What's been interesting about how media is changing, it's becoming more relationship driven. So in the past I think you had a show, you put it on, you market it, you put it out in the world, you move on. It's not like that any more. In order for you to get that energy and buzz around your show you have to develop real relationships with people who care about the issues that you care about. What has been the most enjoyable about this job is that those relationships stand on their own and so you end up becoming connected to the women who did the Women's March. Yes we're going to honor you in the social media awards but I'm not going to just give you an honor in this awards show and then be like, okay thanks Tamika that was fantastic. You know, okay what are we doing next, like what's happening? So you start to build these relationships that are aligned to issues that are important to your audience and that's what is the sustaining thing. So that if there's something going on we're going to make sure you have an opportunity to do an editorial, even if we didn't do a whole show but that you're communicating with our audience about what's going on, whatever those issues are. Same thing with Finding Justice, which is the show that I referenced, is that we're taking on issues that not everyone is paying attention to. Lead paint is a big issue, you know today, right now, and that we're looking at some of those issues as well.
