From the course: Comparing Agile versus Waterfall Project Management

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Reducing documentation

Reducing documentation

- One of the criticisms that Agile people use of Waterfall that I feel is deeply unfair and hurtful is that Waterfall has loads of documentation and Agile, you don't have to bother with documentation. I would say that I think Waterfall doesn't have to have much documentation at all. You probably do need to use post-it notes to work out the running order of your tasks and you do need to have a Gantt chart of course, but that can just be on Excel, quite simple, you know? You might have a high level Gantt chart and perhaps some sub-Gantts for some of the bigger tasks a bit more detailed but it's not a lot and I think you can plan a project in an hour. It obviously depends on the size of the project, but I think you can plan something pretty decently large in maybe two or three hours maximum and that's time well spent. So, I don't think that Waterfall has excessive amounts of documentation it it's done properly. I have seen…
