From the course: Establishing Evening Routines to Optimize the Day Ahead

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Reduce your exposure to blue light

Reduce your exposure to blue light

- Number one, just at a base level, you guys have to be using a blue light blocker at night. And when I say at night again, 80% of a great morning starts the evening before I would back that even up further until like before the time you get off work. So I use a blue light blocker on my Apple devices all through the day and on my Window devices at work all through the day. If you've got night shift on your phone, I leave that on 24 hours a day. In fact, I've got mine set up from 2:59 am to 3:00 a.m. So there's like a minute there when I'm sleeping that it goes back to the regular state cause you can't just keep it on all the time, I use flux as well on my Windows devices and you can do that on Mac also, but I've always got a filter on all of my devices. Now, some people would say blue light is actually really good for you early in the mornings to get you awake. After what I went through, like I'm not trying to play that…
