From the course: Boost Emotional Intelligence with Mindfulness

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Recognizing thinking

Recognizing thinking

- [Instructor] In these last sessions you've been widening the field of mindfulness including breath, body, and feelings or emotions. Now, in these next few sessions, we'll be exploring bringing mindful attention to thinking. A major insight for most of us as we begin mindfulness practices just how incessant our thoughts are. They're a continuous stream of nonstop judgments and comments, plans, worries. Noticing this has been called seeing the waterfall. Seeing the never ending continuous movement of the mind. Our thoughts are all a part of our ongoing home movie, where the protagonist is small, this person sitting right here. It's estimated that we have about 60,000 thoughts a day and 95% of them are the same ones we had yesterday. So in our work lives, we live in this familiar little cocoon obsessing about the team goals, the economy, a difficult customer, the new policy, an old grievance. Sometimes we're regretting…
