From the course: Sales Management. Simplified. (Blinkist Summary)

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Proper training

Proper training

- [Narrator] Blink number four. It's up to managers to train staff properly. A mere generation ago, the job of sales was utterly different. Thanks to the Internet, sales people today have unprecedented access to information, but so do customers. Indeed, one of the major challenges to modern sales teams is how to attract and retain the new, hyper-informed breed of buyer. Yet the real problem most sales people face is much more basic. They're not properly trained and therefore, they're unprepared to snatch opportunity when it arises. Without training or mentoring, new members of a sales team essentially wait for prospects to come to them. And when those chances to make a new sale arrive, they're often late to the meeting, disorganized and altogether unprofessional. The lack of training extends to sales calls as well, which are being made without any sense of structure or understanding of the fundamentals. Many calls…
