From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Practice: Leading with trust and influence

From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Practice: Leading with trust and influence

- This mindfulness practice is to help you grow trust and connection with others. Find a quiet space. Shut off any distractions. Sit comfortably, relaxing your shoulders, your feet on the floor. You can close your eyes or soften your gaze. We'll start by taking three long, deep breaths, inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth to a count of three. Let's start. Inhale, two, three. Exhale, two, three. Inhale, two, three. Exhale, two, three. Inhale, two, three. Exhale, two, three. Now breathe normally. Bring to mind someone that you have a trusted and caring relationship with. It could be a loved one, a friend, a child or even a pet. See if you can remember shared positive times together. Notice this memory. Notice how this feels. Remember the sights, sounds. Perhaps you feel yourself more relaxed. Notice how this feels in your body. Some people even find themselves smiling. Now, find a phrase where you express a positive wish for this person. You may say, "May you be safe. May you be happy. May you find joy." Find a phrase that resonates for you. Notice how it feels to be generous and offer a positive wish for another person. How does this make you feel? Savor that feeling. Now, bring to mind someone who you would like to create more trust with. As you bring to mind that person, notice what thoughts or feelings arise. Label the thought and then just return to your breath. You might notice a feeling about that person. Take a deep breath. Label the feeling. You may become aware of judgements you have about this person. Don't worry about whether these are right or wrong. Just label it judgment, take a deep breath and you can let it go. See if you can find a phrase that you can work with for this person. It can be one of the phrases that you chose with your friend, or it can be another more neutral phrase like "I wish you well." Don't force a phrase you don't feel. Find one that feels right for this moment. Take a breath. Remember, you're accepting and acknowledging where you are and not forcing anything to shift. You can pause this if you'd like to continue the practice longer. Perhaps there are other people you want to grow a positive connection with. (gong ringing) When you're ready, open your eyes. Say a silent thank you to yourself for taking the time to practice kindness toward others. As we close this practice, consider that micro moments of connection we experience with others are actually good for our own health. This practice of kindness for others helps you in your own wellbeing as well as in your ability to grow trust in your teams. Until the next time, my friends.
