From the course: Get Unstuck: Make a Plan to Move Your Career Forward

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Power map your workplace

Power map your workplace

- When advocating for yourself at work, it's important to know your goals, but it's just as important that you know your audience. You've got to think about how others might perceive your advocacy before you make your asks. Today's exercise is going to help you understand where your boss and colleagues might be coming from so that when you advocate for the changes you want at work, you'll be able to highlight the areas and interests that you have in common and how you might be able to enlist the support of some of your colleagues and peers at work. Today's exercise is all about how to power map your workplace. Download the corresponding handout and take a moment to actually visually display the networks of power and the relationships you have with folks at work. So the first thing you'll want to do is list out the names of people who serve in positions of authority. These might be managers, executives, your boss, people…
