From the course: Access Quick Tips

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Playing Go Fish with your data

Playing Go Fish with your data - Microsoft Access Tutorial

From the course: Access Quick Tips

Playing Go Fish with your data

- [Instructor] Queries are one of the most powerful tools Access offers to the database builder. Allowing you to find records, display only the fields you want to see from one or more related tables, and create a customized source for a form or report. To get started use Query Design view and in the Show Table dialog box double-click the tables you want to use. I'm choosing Classes, Class List, because that's the source of the data used in Classes, and Instructors. Add fields to the Query Design grid by double-clicking them in the table boxes. The go fish takes place in the Criteria row for any field you want to filter. To see all the classes being taught by Mary Renner type Renner in the Criteria row for the InstructorLastName field and then click Run. Returning to Design view, to see all the level two classes taught by Mary Renner we use an asterisk to replace all the text appearing before the two in the ClassListName field. I'm only using Class List as Criteria, so I'm unchecking…
