From the course: Creating a Career Plan

Planning your career

From the course: Creating a Career Plan

Planning your career

- Back when I started my career, I thought I'd move up the corporate ladder with the company I worked for, and eventually, retire from that same company many years later with a pension, a gold watch, and a retirement party. Today's job market doesn't look anything like that. Corporate loyalty is a thing of the past, and we're all freelancers, always searching for the next opportunity, the next project, the next gig. This course will teach you how to successfully navigate the workplace of the 21st century. I'm Dr. Chaz Austin, and I've been teaching people how to find work and keep finding work doing what they love for many years. In this course, I'm going to walk you through creating a career plan. The time is now to create the career you want. You can't afford to waste another moment not chasing your dreams. Whether you've just graduated college, or you've been in the workforce for years and are looking for a change, you can do this. I'm going to show you how. Let's get started.
