From the course: Rules for Rising Leaders

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- [Interviewee] I'll say best executives that I've worked with have really carefully crafted a plan, now when I say plan it doesn't mean the world happens that way, right, but they've through about what are they going to do their first 90, 100 days, what's most important, who do they need to build relationships with, what do they need to learn about the strategy, and they come in ready to have a point of view and just as ready to change it based on new information. - [Pete] Excellent, okay, and so along those lines when it comes to developing that plan and working, and executing that well, you've laid out 42 rules and go ahead, I'd love to dig into, just about all of them, but I've made my selections and I'd also like to hear you in terms of, as you think through, some of your work there, which of your rules do you think is kind of, most often broken, in a bad way, you know, 'cause you say, rules are meant to be broken, but,…
