From the course: Guy Kawasaki on How to Rock Social Media

Perfect your profile

- Next social media tip, how to rock social media. Perfect your profile. The profile is the larger context of your avatar, right? And so, just like your avatar has to perform a very good service, so does your profile. The purpose of your profile is to continue the story about you're likable, trustworthy, and competent. But here, instead of focusing just on your face, this cover photo that's behind your avatar, that should tell a story. That should tell a story of what you're passionate about. Here is where you put your family picture, the picture of your Mustang, the picture of your surfboard, the picture of your company, the picture of the photo that really tells your story. This is where you do it, not your avatar, your cover photo. And then I want you to develop a mantra and this mantra is two, three, maybe four words that describe what you stand for. My mantra is empower people. I want people, when they look at my profile, they can quickly figure out a-ha, Guy is into empowerment. He wants democratize design with Canva. He worked for Apple, democratize computing. He wants to empower people. And finally, when it comes to a profile, think of your profile as kind of like LinkedIn. You know on LinkedIn you put your best foot forward, right? You put all your experiences. You want people to look at your LinkedIn profile and think, "Wow, this person really has "his or her act together." Same thing is true with your profile on social media. So, take your LinkedIn profile, kind of embrace that and adopt it to your social media profile. You want all the information there that's on LinkedIn in your social media profile because someone is going to swipe right or swipe left looking at your avatar and profile and decide whether you are worth paying attention to on social media and it's going to take them about two or three seconds. That's how long you have to tell your story.
