From the course: Find Your Passion: How Padma Lakshmi Found Hers

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Patience on your path

Patience on your path

- I think you have to realize when you come out of college that your education in many ways is just beginning. You've got an academic foundation but what you learn in your 20s, at least this was true for me, is life changing and so to make sure you understand that things you do today will affect you three years from now, 10 years from now, that life is long and you should take your time developing and sometimes it's easier to develop in private. We all want to make it very quickly, but if we're not ready for the place that we want to get to when we get there, we can often be knocked off that place just as quickly and so what I say is it's better to fail in private first and gain the knowledge that only failure can give you and then, you know, don't be so impatient with yourself. Make sure once you get there you're ready to be there and that you can excel because you do have the life experience. It's never too good…
