From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

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Outcomes over outputs

Outcomes over outputs

- Imagine a stakeholder reaches out to your team, and what they ask for is a new screen, some new buttons on that screen, a dropdown box, and then a second screen with two side by side panels comparing two different objects of data. The reality is it's not really what your customer needs. They don't need any of these things. What the customer really needs is a way to buy, compare, and select and purchase something. Plain English. I imagine as you heard me tell the scenario from the beginning, you were a little confused. You couldn't get your head around what the user scenario was. That's right, you didn't have the context. Super important that as product owners and BAs, we provide the team the context on the customer need. Even when our stakeholders are coming to us with the solution, we have to reel it back and keep everyone focused on the problem before getting to those solution details. Well, here are three tips to keep in mind to help your team with this. First, present the…
