From the course: How to Organize Your Time and Your Life

Organize with a goal in mind

- [Instructor] This is an audio course. Thank you for listening. - [Instructor] Could we sort of paint the why for us? Kind of what difference does it make? Having great organizations, some might say are we just shuffling papers and to-dos and calendar appointments from one spot to the other? Can you make the case? What's the benefit to be gained from this effort? - [Instructor] That's a great question because why bother getting organized? You get organized to achieve a greater goal. Never get organized just for organizing sake. Never get organized just to make things look good or appear good to other people. It's organizing systems are really vehicles to get you to your bigger goals. So you shouldn't organize anything without saying why. People don't invest that kind of time or money to design an a system for their lives, unless there is something they are trying to achieve. Very commonly, people want to organize their time and their schedules to create space for quality time with their families and quality time for themselves. That is a very common goal. If you were more organized, if your schedule was more organized, if your space was more organized, you would free up time to be present with your friends, with your family with your kids, with your spouse and with yourself. That's probably one of the most common motivations. Another in our work lives, I want to get organized manage my time so that I can fulfill my greatest potential. If you're bogged down with procrastination or you're always laid, and then you feel really guilty. So you're not really confident which means you don't really show up and really throw in at meetings or with clients, but you kind of hold back cuz you feel incompetent or you feel embarrassed. You feel like behind the eight ball. Then, you're missing opportunities. So it's usually to really seize the maximum opportunities at work. Whether you work for yourself or you work for a small company or a nonprofit or government or a big company, it's really to maximize your opportunities.
