From the course: Creating Powerful Sales Proposals

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Offering too much can be detrimental

Offering too much can be detrimental

From the course: Creating Powerful Sales Proposals

Offering too much can be detrimental

- Something I'd like to warn you about is putting too many things into your offer. AKA, throwing the kitchen sink at them. Back in the day, when I was first getting started into this, I learned about thud factor, the art of showing up with everything. And when it hits the counter, it makes a statement. Naturally, I modeled this and I used to have an offer with 27 different things in it, it would take me almost 15 minutes to describe everything that they were going to get when they bought from me. At the time, it actually worked because people used to buy the thud. Back then it was bigger, is better. We wanted bigger houses, we wanted bigger cars, we wanted this, more of that. However, when you do this today, your prospect might second guess and think, gosh, this is going to be a lot of work. Do I really need all that stuff? They might start asking the question. Well, I don't really need that. Can you just remove…
