From the course: Applying Analytics to Your Learning Program

Next steps

- Thank you so much for joining me for this course. Hopefully, you're ready to get started wrangling the data you need and have a solid understanding of the different ways in which you can measure and evaluate learning via learning experiences, learners, and learning programs. There's plenty of next steps to continue your learning journey. The two most immediate next steps are to collect data without fear. It might require collaboration and time and effort, but deriving insights will be so much easier when you have a common dataset. And reimagine how successful learning is defined. Remember, learning isn't always the end result. It's about what comes next. Arguably as important as applying the fundamentals of analytics is how you use your new insights to influence others. It's not enough to share facts and figures. You need to use them to tell a compelling story. I'd encourage you to continue exploring the best methods of sharing newly found insights through communications, presentations, and storytelling. And please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn. I'm always happy to chat analytics or how you're trying to improve yourself and those around you.
