From the course: Managing Project Stakeholders

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From the course: Managing Project Stakeholders

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- This is the end of our journey. I hope you enjoyed the course and you feel empowered and ready to apply new knowledge and tools. Regardless of the nature of your project, construction, finance or technology, your projects will always be influenced by the people involved and this is why managing stakeholders is a crucial competency and mastering it will make you ever more successful as a project manager. Managing your project stakeholders is a multidimensional skill. In this course, we covered leadership and interpersonal skills, as well as a set of technical tools such as information gathering, data visualization and analysis. I hope you continue building your toolkit to master managing project stakeholders. Here's some resources I refer to and I'm sure they will help you as well. First, courses on change management, courageous leadership, and conflict resolution found on this platform. Also, Project Management Institute is a great resource for more knowledge on managing project stakeholders, and the International Institute of Business Analysis has a lot of valuable insights into stakeholder engagement. Both of these organizations have local chapters and I encourage you to join them and attend their chapter meetings. This is a great way to continue learning and connect with your professional community. Leverage the knowledge you acquired in this course and I am confident you will be successful with your project delivery even beyond technical execution.
