From the course: Conquering Writer's Block

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Moving on

Moving on

- [Instructor] Every single writing project I've ever tackled has a scene or chapter that I just don't want to write. Maybe it's because I know the scene will be difficult and challenging, and I just don't feel up to the task. Or maybe because I sort of know what's going to happen, but not enough to feel confident to write it, or worse I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen. Or maybe the idea of writing the scene for no rational reason, just makes me want to rip out my own fingernails instead. Whatever the reason, there are going to be parts of your project that you come across and just go, "ugh no, I can't do it, don't want to do it, not today." It's going to happen. Maybe it already has happened to you and that's why you're here. So what do I do in these situations? Do I write the scene anyway like I've been telling you to do for this entire course? Sometimes. Not always. Sometimes I employ a tool that I call moving on. And the tool is quite simple. I just skip that scene.…
