From the course: Boost Resilience with Mindfulness

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Mindfulness: The core practice

Mindfulness: The core practice

- [Instructor] In this session, the core practice uses the power of mindfulness and kind attention, or loving awareness, to notice experience just as it is with a spacious, non-judging attention. As you've learned, after beginning with the anchor of breath or body, mindfulness can open to the whole play of experience. Continuing to practice in this inclusive way, your balance and confidence and compassion grow. Then, throughout the workday, during conference calls, responding to texts and emails, handling difficulties, giving feedback, you can become more the spacious and relax witness to whatever arises with a steady and attentive presence in the midst of them all. So let's spend the rest of this class establishing a steady sense of this core practice. Begin the core practice by acknowledging the circumstances around you, and as you have, settling yourself. Sit in whatever way helps you to bring a relaxed, alert…
