From the course: Simple Manager Tools that Cure the Under-Management Epidemic

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Micromanagement is often a red herring

Micromanagement is often a red herring

- [Host] That's good, that's good, all right. Well so than, I'm intrigued by the title of your book itself. "It's Okay to be the Boss." I think some might say, well, of course it's okay to be the boss, you know who thinks it's not okay to be the boss, ya know what specifically are you challenging there? - [Author] Well, ya know so many people, they don't want to be in charge or they feel like they don't know how. A lot of people want the status and the authority and the prestige and the rewards, they want the business card but they don't want the burdens of being in charge of other people. They don't want the actual day-to-day work that comes from guiding, directing and supporting and coaching people. So, maybe they want the paycheck, maybe they want the business card but in fact they resist the interpersonal difficulties that sometimes come with having authority over someone else. I mean if you have authority in…
