From the course: Work on Purpose

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Meetings that inspire action and urgency

Meetings that inspire action and urgency

From the course: Work on Purpose

Meetings that inspire action and urgency

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] What percent of your time at work do you spend in meetings? If you're in middle management, it's probably about 35% of your time, and if you're a more senior leader, it can be a whopping 50% of your time. - [Instructor] Oh, maybe even more, and the thing is, meetings have a really bad reputation. And some of it comes because there's just too many meetings, but the rest of that bad reputation is earned, and it's earned by meetings that don't have clear goals, there's no urgency, and they don't connect to any sense of purpose at all. - [Instructor] So in your quest to make your own work-life, and the work-life of your peers more purpose driven, meetings are the perfect place to start because you're already together. - [Instructor] So we got a few tips to help you stay high energy. The first and most important thing is frame the meeting in the agenda you send out. Tell people in…
