From the course: Prioritizing Tasks for Maximum Impact

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Manage yourself with boundaries and rewards

Manage yourself with boundaries and rewards

From the course: Prioritizing Tasks for Maximum Impact

Manage yourself with boundaries and rewards

- The Y is yourself, are you distracted? Are you doing it to yourself? So people who follow trails on the internet or, "Ooh, I wonder what this is," and click there. And now they're looking at this and, oh, here's a video. Let me watch this. Right, I mean, we sometimes are our own worst enemies because we just go down a huge trail of distraction. And so keeping yourself focused. if you have to put your dog away 'cause you're going to play with your dog, you're got to close the browser while you're doing this because you're going to be tempted to click on Facebook. I mean, whatever it is for you, you have to use a lot of self-discipline in that area. - Can we hear a bit more about that? So self discipline, you know, kind of put it away, close it. What are some other approaches to prevent yourself from running wild? - My dad, the Colonel, he used to say, "Discipline is doing what you know you need to do, even if you don't…
