From the course: Career Advice from Some of the Biggest Names in Business

Malcolm Turnbull on the value of being committed and engaged

From the course: Career Advice from Some of the Biggest Names in Business

Malcolm Turnbull on the value of being committed and engaged

(gentle piano music) - I'd like to talk to you about your career, you've had such an interesting career. And we talked earlier about the question of not just having one job, but of being ready for many jobs. So-- - So you think I'm a-- - Let me-- - Case study. You're kind of a poster child for that. You've been a journalist, a lawyer, a banker, an entrepreneur, a banker again, a politician. What guides you from one job to another? - I think you've always got to do something you're passionate about. That's the important thing, is to be committed and engaged and you should always try to do something you love doing. I've always liked dealing with difficult problems. When I was a lawyer and when I was an investment banker, most of my assignments were tough cases. And that's interesting. - In each of these cases, how have you known when the right time was to jump? - Look, the important thing is, to not get stuck into old ways of thinking. And you know, people can get stuck into old ways of thinking, regardless of their age. But you've got to be prepared constantly to question how you're operating, how can I improve it, how does this changed environment give me the opportunities to do things better, where are the opportunities? So you take advantage of that by being agile and being constantly prepared to look at new and better ways of doing things. And whether it is public administration or whether it is business.
