From the course: Access Quick Tips

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Making validation rules

Making validation rules - Microsoft Access Tutorial

From the course: Access Quick Tips

Making validation rules

- [Instructor] When it's important that your database users restrict their entries to a particular series of acceptable values, a validation rule can be the simplest way to enforce that restriction. To impose a validation rule, open your table in Design view and click on the field that needs the rule. Click the Validation Rule row and type the list of values. No matter how many you have, just type them all out, each separated by the word or. Last, type the validation text in the next row down in Field Properties to concisely explain the rule. This is the text that will appear if somebody types a value that isn't in the list. That's all there is to it. To test it, just open your table in Datasheet view and attempt an entry not in the list in the validation rule.
