From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

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Make user stories feedback-able

Make user stories feedback-able

From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

Make user stories feedback-able

- Imagine describing something that you have never seen or experienced. Pretty hard, right? Well, this is what it's like for today's most innovative teams. They are imagining and building things that no one could have imagined or described in any technical detail. How do they do it? They get feedback to evolve the concept until it's good enough. The critical part is the feedback loop. Feedback loops help the team reduce waste by not working for very long without knowing they're on the right track. The more often that feedback is happening on teams, the better. Let's look at how you can make this happen on your team. First, make sure that your user story is about the end user's actions. You want to avoid making the user stories about technical details like code or configuration. User stories are not about the screen, widgets on the screen, nor technical tasks the developers work on. They're about the actions and goals of the user. Second, make sure your user stories are broken down…
