From the course: Motivating Your Team to Learn

Make it practical and immediately relevant

From the course: Motivating Your Team to Learn

Make it practical and immediately relevant

(upbeat music) - Relevance is an incredibly important component to consider as you're developing training for adult learners. Right up front, you have to answer the question. - Why am I learning this? - What he said. Adults are constantly weighing the value of that education versus the disruption to their day-to-day routines. - Why do I need this? - Routine is an ever present mechanism that we use that helps us navigate those daily responsibilities. You know, think about all of the mundane administrative tasks that are part of your job or your role. You've created a routine that allows you to get through those so that you can open up both mental and physical space for you to do the more important things. See, adults are constantly weighing how much disruption that training has to their routine. When the training or the result of that training it fits into their routine, a really natural way, they're much more apt to accept it. But, if it's going to disrupt that routine or even replace that routine, it's going to take a little bit more motivation in order for them to accept what it is that you're teaching. - Do I have to do this? - The more change to their routine that you're asking of them, the more benefit you're going to have to show in your content. So as you're starting to develop that content, really start thinking about the routine of your adult learners. What is it that you're asking of them? Are you disrupting it or are you fitting into it? And right up front, answer the question, why am I learning this? - Exactly.
